The World I Want to See

George Taktak
3 min readOct 17, 2017

I’ve always heard people say: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” But I guess I’ve never taken it seriously. There’s so many changes I want to see, how can I be every single one of them?

Sometimes, you become the answer without intending to be.

However, today I’ve decided to tackle the challenge head-on and write down the changes I want to be (and see!) in the world. From this day forward, I plan on practicing each and every single one of them — not that I wasn’t before — but now that I’ve better defined them, perhaps I’ll be able to better express them in my actions and words.

  1. A force of Love and Compassion for all human beings: Encourage travel, break down cultural barriers and help people overcome fear of others. We share many more similarities than we have differences.
  2. Economics: Shifting the global perspective to spread wealth in a way that provides people with basic living standards and education the world over so that we can liberate their time.
  3. Transparency: Ending Corruption & Mass Manipulation.
  4. The Age of Authenticity: Being unashamed of who I am and encouraging others to embrace themselves.
  5. Mental Health: Prioritising the wellbeing of the mind in every member of society through multiple methods including meditation, mindfulness and therapy.
  6. Education: Enabling people to learn the things that matter, in a way that fosters community and creativity using a system that rewards people for bettering themselves and embodying values such as honesty & kindness.
  7. Psychology: Breaking people down to their core in order to understand what ‘human nature’ really is and if we can change it.
  8. Mother Nature: Caring for our environment and all the other creatures that roam this planet.
  9. Food: Equalising over-production with famine. The fact that these two can co-exist is a joke.
  10. Entrepreneurship: Go Your Own Way. Be your own boss. Be the captain of your future. Live your life to the fullest. Understand what makes you tick and take the path of self-discovery.
  11. Bonus Creating our own planet: Freedom to explore the imagination, including the use of technology, psychedelics and how we view sexuality.

So…I think that’s about it for my list. I like it! I feel like I need more than 24 hours in a day to achieve all this, but the journey starts here. What are the changes you want to see in the world? Whether you’ve already become those changes or not: Write them down! Trust me. The life has kicked in and I’m ready to rock this!

Oh, and send me your lists too! I love feeling inspired by my fellow human beings. We’re all so god damn beautiful in our own way. [I’m feeling kinda cute today.]

Now, time for some sleep. I’m going to try writing more often these days, I’m sorry for the hiatus. I could explain it now, but it will probably end up coming out over the coming days, weeks, months…maybe even years…let’s hope you don’t have to wait that long!

“Clap” (that’s a weird way to show your appreciation through technology — I kinda love it) so others can see this story and Follow me for more rantings, ravings and things I think are useful! 😇



George Taktak

Entrepreneur with a passion for Mind, Millenials & Technology. Founder of How Mental